i really adore the way the future kept sees the world. their latest vision, photo journal: southern sweden really captivated me. we’ve shared bits from the future kept before — Jeska & Dean Hearne, Husband & Wife adventure seekers and creators of The Future Kept, one part new adventures shared on their journey through life together, and one part online purveyor of well designed, durable, meticulously chosen goods for you to cherish and keep. their shop started with a fascination and desire they’ve both had for a long time, to seek out beautiful and useful items for life and the home that are made with love, thoughtfulness, and detail. Items with timeless qualities created by people with a passion for what they do, and a care for the future of the world we live in. their primary goal with The Future Kept is to inspire more people to think carefully about the items they have in their lives, by putting together a collection of best in class products all with a story to tell. and the journal aspect — well, it’s just lovely. like their latest trip to southern sweden. this is just a small peek at what looks to have been an incredible trip. do have a look at the many more beautiful photographs from the creative duos trip to sweden. and check out jeska’s blog, lobster and swan for more of their travel guides and inspiring content.
• photography by Dean & Jeska Hearne.
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